Tag Archives: introduction


Hello! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to Put the Tea Kettle On. We are the Elizabeths, aka Liz and Libby, a couple of friends that have known each other since high school and share a love of tea and good eats.  We are always in search of good tea, places to drink it, things to brew it in, and of course tea cozies to keep it warm with.  We decided to start this blog to share our adventures in tea and treats with you.

It can be safely said, we are not experts but rather enthusiastic pupils out to learn as much as we can about this ancient drink. You won’t find us (we hope!) to be tea snobs, bag or whole leaf, we drink it all and we each have very different palates; Libby loves dark traditional teas such as Lapsang Souchong, where as I (Liz) tend toward milder European style blends like Earl Grey. Part of the desire to start this blog is to work on extending our palates and experience of different teas.

We live, drink and blog in the SF Bay Area and hope you will join us as for a cuppa and a good laugh. Tea is as much about community and sharing as it is about water and leaves.


Filed under tea